Sunday, October 26, 2008

2 and a Few

Well, to all the Moms who pass by in the next week - HELP! I am so weary from my little ladies fits. I've mentioned in a previous entry that this is the most trying phase for me and I am getting my confirmation! Please be praying for me to train her well and lovingly. Thanks!

As for the rest of my life, not that the first bit of an update wasn't 99.9%.........

I am in a place of wandering. We have moved again and I am somewhere between new, old and forever friends. Do i call the new friends when I have a need for prayer and counsel or the old ones? Do we go to the church in this neighborhood or the one across town? Will the neighbors be friends or just acquaintances? I never did like limbo. I am tired and irratable alot, part this season, part my chioces and part the time of the month, LOL.

I can tell that I don't have a place to fit yet and that is hard for me. This season is full of waiting. Waiting for boxes to disappear, projects to be done and school to be completed. As I seek to commit my time and talents to a worthy cause I find the Lord closing the doors and giving only the directive of 'wait.' I want 'go' or something of that manner! Wait is what I need, what we need to do now though.

The possibilities that come from waiting are great, they are the joy set before me in this trying season. My hubby and I will be able to engage in a ministry together and with our children! I can wait for that. And besides, the best place to be is where the Lord says to be. My greatest fear is that I will go the wrong direction and end up on 'My Way' HW instead of the 'Higher Way' HW.

Sad. I am sad that I am not involved in a ministry outside the home now. I love to go and serve and give counsel! But, I am able to lay down some prayer for thise who the Lord puts on my heart and remember that that is the entire ministry of those of you who cannot get up and out. Thank you for the way you faithfully pray for your family and for any misionaries and single parens that the Lord puts on your heart!

So, here is the question I am posing to you...

Are you driving on the My Way HW or on the Higher Way HW?
Share your answer and any questions or counsel on the blog or at my personal email.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Howdy Y'all!

Just a special Shout Out to all my dear sisters back in Cajun Country! I miss you all so much it hurts! It was a blessing to get to know you and your families over the past 13 months! Thanks for letting me in and sometimes taking me out. Serving, schooling and just sitting with you were great times. I won't be forgetting you anytime soon and hope that we can meet up in a few months!

And hey, don't miss out on the HPC Women's Conference in a few weeks!

Love you tons,


Now that was unexpected!

We recently made move that was not supposed to be happening until December. The Lord coordinated all the details of our move and we enjoyed seeing what each new day revealed. Now we are settling into new everything! New ministry opportunities, new school - yes I quit home schooling for now - new house, new get the picture.
Our home is older, charming and in good condition. A new home would have been less work, but we enjoy the challenges of caring for an older home. I am also enjoying the new life of not being a home school mom. I've taken some heat and received some encouragement, but most of all I've heard a lot of opinions. The good thing is I know that this is where Ben needs to be and the Lord is doing amazing work in his life!
No deep thoughts for today, actually nothing deep for the last 3 weeks! Just that I had to scramble to pack and now unpack and get going. Whew! I need a Calgon moment or maybe a Godiva chocolate moment! Well I am not going to be getting either soon and have resorted to keeping a Skore bar in the fridge for moments on the go. Hey, it works for me!
My favorite thing about our move is our new family time in the Book Nook. Every night we pile in on the floor or in a chair and read together then pray for each other and for others. Its become my favorite part of the day! (Also the hardest part of the day to stay awake for! LOL!) The kids love the yard, after 3 years of apartments!
My least favorite thing... 2 year old Laura pulling her pants & diaper off in the lobby of our new bank as we were setting up our new accounts! If you can imagine it then enjoy the laugh! Nothing else that has happened really sticks out as embarrassing compared to that, yet...
OK, I am toast! And the laundry is, well, still there.

Serving up fresh laughs daily,

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Martha, Martha...

Recently I was enjoying a visit at a friends home and the subject of being so wound tight as a mom came up. We talked over the issue and its variables, but came to no really biblical answer. I knew there had to be one! So these past few days I have asked little questions of the Lord and he has given me an answer in his word. Our old friends Martha & Mary are at the center of this one, again! You see, Mary hadn't just chosen Jesus, she had put relationships over tasks. She choose to let him know he mattered and that the dinner could wait, helping her sister could wait and her prioritized to do list could wait! Now lets bring this back to you, at home 24/7 with your children. So they don't stop by for a special visit and the home is yours to keep, but your children are a blessing form the Lord! I often, way too often, find myself struggling to get it all done and still enjoy my relationships with my kids. Instead, I am busy and worried about the many things that HAVE to be done - now. What we can learn and apply from Mary is that we are to put relationships as priority. That pile of laundry will not be a lasting legacy we leave our children, nor will a spotless floor or a dusted collection of figures. No, what we are left with when someone has gone is the memories of time with them. Time to build and rebuild the Lego fire station, time to play hide & seek, time reading on the couch and teaching in a loving way.
Well, I'd like to continue, but my 4 year old Micah has just joined me and I think its best that I apply rather than further elaborate.....

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Charm. That's what I wanted in a house. Oh, and I want it to be in good living condition. Before our last storm hit we had the opportunity to do some home shopping and the Lord provided the perfect home for our family and for his purpose for us. Its charming and in great condition. There was one problem though, they needed to sell about 2 months before we were planning to buy... well we decided that the Lord had given us a go on a very early purchase and we are awaiting our close date.
Now we were buying a house early and not sure why. In a week's time we learned that my husband's previously denied request for a residency transfer was now approved and that we would need to move at the exact time we will be purchasing the home! Wow! Two changes only the Lord saw coming.
So, we now await a home and a transfer. What about purpose for the home and purpose for the time? I cannot say its all figured out yet. I trust that the Lord will reveal things to us at the right time. Too soon and we may not hold on to it, too late and we may have another direction that we've committed to go. One thing is certain, he has a purpose for us and he wants us to know what it is!
Something he has been showing me is that my best laid plans are not always the way he will lead me to go. Even in the planning of who goes where and what goes there and when that project gets done! He is my delight and I want to obey because I know that he desires my obedience much more than my sacrifice.

Are you offering something to God out of sacrifice that he has not required of you, but withholding obedience to him in another area of your life? Give it a few minutes and let the Lord decide the answer to this one.

Wind & Rain

Along with a good part of the USA we have experienced some stormy weather of late. The power outages are fun for the kids as they get to use flashlights, eat out of the ordinary meals and just enjoy an adventure. We enjoyed the vacation for my husband, he is a student so there is no paycheck either way. Through this time the Lord blessed us with family visits, good conversations and time to really put others first. We were also blessed by being served through the hospitality of family whose home we made our own for over a week.
We returned home to power, only to loose it again for another day and a half! LOL. All was fine at our little abode and our kind neighbors had cleaned our front porch for us. We are all grateful for the safety we enjoyed and that though the storm did rage on we had His peace. I hope all of you who did loose homes, cars, carports, pets and loved ones are also comforted by God's peace that surpasses all understanding!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Mighty Micah

This month has been so full of revelations and blessing from the Lord. Just when I thought that nothing better could be going on, I wake up to today. Of all the things that have gone on this month nothing comes close to today's suprise... Micah asked the Lord into his heart! He was ready and we had almost an hour alone together this morning to begin the day and to begin a new life! We called Dad at work, we called family and friends. For dinner we took him out to celebrate his entering into the Lord and vise versa. It was such an awesom day! This is something we hold as our highest hope and most important decision in our children's lives.

Jesus said it himself, "let the little children come to me"

Go on Micah! Run to him!!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The House

Wow! After a trip to look at houses we found one. Its older, but in great condition. Its big, bigger than we were planning! And Wow!

What the Lord allowed us to glimpse... The past two weeks have been life changing for us. We have discovered a ministry passion we did not know we had! As we prepared to go look at the house a second time and take some photos we talked about what we were doing. Buying a big house, fresh out of grad school. It seems so foolish! And to some it is. To those who are looking with the eyes of eternity and the Lord's purposes, however, it is awesome! In a time of prayer the Lord gave me a vision of a door, Jesus opening and walking through first, then my husband, then me, our children and others in our family who will be helping in this new ministry focus. It was just what we needed! A visual reminder that he is opening the door for us and that we are to follow him. (and that I am to follow behind my husband' s lead, as well as the Lord's)

As the days grow closer to closing, prepping and moving I look forward to sharing more about the direction the Lord is leading us to go.

Monday, August 11, 2008


My younger son, Micah, has decided to play soccer this season. I am not your typical soccer mom, at least I don't think I am. And what kind of label is that anyhow? So what if I end up fitting the mold? I have no goal (LOL) to become a soccer mom, so will it happen anyways?
There are other pursuits in my life that I hope will drown out all other side dishes. Like the goal to become more gracious, encourging and just all around loving towards my family. Now I know that I will not just happen to become that kind of woman wothout a good bit of working out, of my salvation!
Sure, saved is great! But what was I saved from and saved to become? Why save me? There is purpose in God's providence! He knew me before I was born and he knows me now. As Micah works to learn the basics of a sport I am still working on some basics in my own faith. There are few things I struggle with more than being Christ-like right here at home. I was saved to know Christ and to be his hands and feet and face to others, to my family.
Think about it, what does Christ look like? Thoughts of someone who did, does or was something you admire probably come to mind. He looks like us doing God's work. So soccer mom or not am I doing God's work? And am I doing that work in his way? I hope so. I kow that I fail at times! But this soccer season as I coach the Rockets I have the goal of being an encouraging teacher to pursue and a great Coach in Christ leading me in all the right moves!

Have your 'side dish' pursuits become your ultimate goals?
Are you craving a label other than Christian?
Are you brushing your failures under the carpet or laying them at His feet?

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Home Sweet Home

What I want for my family is not too far off from what the Lord wants for us. I want a peaceful home, a safe neighborhood and neighbors we can trust. Life containing peace, being in a safe place and having trustworthy friends are all things that the Lord wants for us too. The difference is found in the placement and packaging.
As we search for our next home my mind paints a picture that the Lord may not be 100% behind. I struggle to hold loosely the double oven, real wood floors, lush back yard and stroller friendly sidewalks. The Lord knows what I want more than I do and he also sees what we will need, beyond what we see. These truths get me looking beyond our next spot to call home and into my life as is. What routes have I pursued, planned and purchased that are not on the Lord's list of things he wants me to be, do and have?
So many verses come to my mind about this. The one that sticks though says to seek his kingdom first and that all these things I need will be provided for me. (Matt 6:33) I have to keep focused on the true purpose of my life and the true provider for my life. All I can ever need is in him and I do not need to go searching elsewhere for anything.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Just A Call

Today I was reminded of something I often forget, my husband is to be my first priority. He called just to say hi in between surgeries and do you know what I did? You do! I told him about my whole day so far with the kids in about 1min. LOL. I have to laugh at myself, alot. He just called to say hi & I love you. He did not call to check on the kids or to get the daily report. All I needed to do was say that I love him too and I'm glad he took time to call, oh and that I can't wait to see him tonight.
The call was good for me. I got a personal call and a listening, more like trapped, ear. But what was that call like for my dear husband? Was he affirmed? Will he want to call again another day if he has time? I'm not sure he will want to. Actually I know him and I know he will call again and I will have another opportunity to spill it all or just affirm him in love. Next time he calls like that I will think before I speak and I will be planning to just keep the kid report for another time.

Monday, July 14, 2008

M & M

Mary & Martha. These two women represent most of us in one way or another. Mary's tender people first, listen then speak attitude permeates the scriptures about her. She made the choice to listen when it was time and the Lord protected her choice to put him first. Her sister Martha wants to get it done and have it done right for the guests, but more for herself. We learn that she is also a worrier, anyone? She had so much on her mind about what needed to be done that she lost sight of what was the true priority, Jesus.
I struggle to balance the roles I am called to fill. My children need my undivided attention and training as well as a clean floor and lunch. Because I stay at home with them I find it hard to get all that I should be doing done. This week I have much to do, but is it a to do list I have made or one the Lord has laid out? Have I set expectations for myself that push me into the Martha corner of doing it all? Are there times to listen to the Lord?
I am more of a doer by nature. I enjoy knowing that Martha learned her lesson, but like me wasn't perfect in living it out. The chores are piling up, the 2 year old needs some attention and the boys need a snack. I know the Lord can lead me through an orderly day with clarity about what should be the priority in each moment, but I need to lay down my list and my plan and listen for his.
Thankfully I can write that most mornings I have had the time to be in his presence without the kids being present! I do struggle though with what I could be getting done in the time I have while they are sleeping and the laundry is creeping out of the basket...

Martha, Martha you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her. Luke 10:41-42

What about you?

Do you tend to lean towards Mary or Martha?

Are you taking the time he gives you to get things done or to be with Him?

Saturday, July 12, 2008


In response to the Internet Cafe Devotional question...

What is one woman from the Bible that you can relate to, and explain why you relate to her?


Well, I have found myself moving every few years. In almost 10 years of marriage we have lived in 5 different towns. So, on the here and there of Sarah's life I can easily relate. She and her hubby traveled a bit too. She does not seem to complain about leaving her convenient suburban life for life on the road and in rural areas. I will admit that I was less than thrilled about a few of our moves out of the city, and I mean way out! Sarah's example has been such a rock for me. I can embrace the moves and changes that come with each, remembering that God does have a reason for each part of the journey.

I also relate to her on another level, temper, temper... Sarah was an amazingly ordinary woman. She struggled, overcame and yelled a bit in between the highlights. She was real. She knew the answers to fix the problems, and lived what happens when we step out of God's perfect will to get the job done. When I first realized that another woman did struggle with the same things as I do, it was liberating! Through Sarah God validated my struggle as real, as common and as something that we could overcome together. Sarah is a Mother figure in my mind, she has been where I am and learned that we don't have to live our whole life here.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Two Again

Yes, I am in the tub with all my clothese on...
My 'little lady' is about to turn 2!

She has been and remains to be such a delight to all of us in so many ways. It seems, though, that the past week or so we have enjoyed her a bit less than usual...she has begun the transition into what some refer to as the trying two's. I am already exhausted by her 100% tantrums, defiant looks and aggressive play. As it all begins at our house again I look at my boys and remember we survived before and that God is the same now as he was then! I need those reminders as 2's are the most challenging phase, for me, to date. So, as you breeze by and read a few writings I'd appreciate your prayers for the road ahead, especially because she is just like me...

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Serving Him

God is not unjust; he will not forget your work
and the love you have shown him as you have helped his
people and continue to help them. Hebrews 6:10

What a huge encouragement to us! I love my family, but I find that there are days that I tire of serving them. It is then that this verse, and others like it, help spur me on and refocus my efforts on serving the Lord. Without being in the word I begin to carry out my daily duties with an increasing attitude of pride, resentment and emptiness.

Whatever you do, be it in word or in deed,
do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to
God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17

This particular verse reminds me that the 5th load of laundry, mopping and diaper changing can each be done with all my heart for the Lord! The attitude and motive of my heart in each task can glorify him, or not. I need these reminders when the day gets long, the laundry gets boring and the diapers get messy!

About 8 months ago I had enough and was up to my neck in daily responsibilities. After a few weeks of wrestling with my attitude, purpose and influence in this world I got honest with the Lord. I sat down one evening, after another long day, and said what was really in my heart, "Lord, I am tired of serving them!" (He is so good! Our loving Father always knows what our struggle is and how to lead us to a safe place and to victory.) So, he spoke to my heart and asked me if I was tired of serving him. "No, I'll never tire of serving you!" I could not imagine giving up on serving him, ever. Then, he opened my eyes as his tender wise words entered my heart,"You are serving me as you are serving them." Oh, how could I have lost my way that long? Why couldn't I see the truth all this time?

I had let the Martha syndrome run wild in my life. My home was clean, my family well fed, my soul starving! I had gone on for so long that I was even tired and resentful of what I was so busy doing. Relationships had taken a back seat and now I was spent on doing all that had to be done. We needed the Lord's reminders and discipline. This is the very reason he wrote all his words to us down and gave us a copy! Its not a suggestion that we be in his word and in relationship with him, he is the source of all life!

All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching,
rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the
woman of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16 & 17

So let us remember to not let our to do list be the ruler of our days! Make an effort, be it 5 minutes or hours, to be in the word and in honest communication with our Lord and Savior so that we will be thoroughly equipped for the days work and reminded of who it is we are to be serving.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

All I Have

At our church we sing several songs about Jesus being all we have. This past month the Lord has been shedding new light for me on this subject. He has been revealing to me that Jesus isn't just all I have, He IS all I have. Everything I can to offer to the world is the fullness of Christ living in and through me. I am equipped for every good work that was planned in advance for me to do! In my tool box I have the Word of God, the Holy Spirit and an ongoing relationship with Jesus, Immanuel. What exciting news this is! I no longer sing those songs thinking about what I lack and that, God help me out or else... NO, those songs are forever changed in my heart to be an expression of the joy of being able to testify that Jesus lives and he is active in and through my life.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Different From Other Moms?

I recently had a friend over who is about my age and also has a few children. As we were visiting about life and all that goes on in it she made the comment that she just isn't made like other moms; Isn't that the lie of humanity? It is such a deceiving and isolating lie! To believe that you, or I, are made totally different from every other person, every other woman, every other mom.
I could relate to my friend's thought. My struggles are mine. Unless I have a dose of reality in God's word then I will miss out on the truth that nothing has tempted me but what is common to humanity. (1 Cor. 10:13) Nothing. In the bible we are encouraged to confess our sins to one another and pray for each other. I admit that I am not the first person to call a friend and tell her I just disciplined in anger and maybe a bit of rage. But this is exactly what I need to be doing!

“ Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.” James 5:16

There are the temptations that bring me just frustration, then there are the ones that I give into and sin becomes mine. Most days I am not wallowing in it, but there are mornings when I wake-up aware that the day holds a potential for strife. One moment I am on dry land, the next moment I am knee deep in the waters of temptation and before I see it I am being pummeled by a wave and drug out to sea in the current of my own sin. Ouch!
The enemy wants to isolate us and would have us to believe that no other woman or mom we know could possibly relate to our struggle, to our sin. We re also believing the lie that the LORD just can't handle this sin one more time. But that is not the truth at all. In fact in the book of Hebrews in the New Testament we are given a beautiful picture of exactly what the LORD's stand is...

“ For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are – yet was without sin.” Hebrews 4:15

First we read that as fully God and fully man Jesus felt the weighty struggle of trying not to sin. Let that sink in for a moment, Jesus felt the full weight of the struggle with and the pull of temptation! Dear sister, He knows what you are going through! He knows it because he has lived it.
The next nugget we read tells us that Jesus is able to help those who are being tempted because he himself was tempted in every way, and was without sin. Wow! That should dispel a lot of lies right there. Nothing you can possibly do or face is going to shock the LORD. Nothing you have done is an unknown temptation to him.
So here is where you sitting at home, work or in the car, facing the tormenting thoughts of your latest or greatest sin comes to an end! Jesus knows where you are and is able to help you out, literally! The enemy wants us to live in fear of confessing to one another. He wants us to feel shame, defeat and hopelessness and he wants us to believe that NO ONE out there could possibly handle the truth, especially the LORD.

“Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Hebrews 4:16

Now we know better! So, as the word says let us confess to the LORD and then call a trusted friend or family member to pray with us. Lets be women who aren't shocked about the sin of another while we keep our shame under cover. And let us remember that the LORD knows where we are and he is able to help us out.
Encouraging you to seek Him,
April Watters

Maybe Not

Oh, my! We are not going to the library. My kids just need some 'Mom Time' at the house. To be honest, I'd rather have the break from the house at story time. So, the best decision I can make now is to go and play with cars, dinosaurs and a tea set. And I need to do it with a loving attitude and a willing heart...

be imitators of God, as dearly love children and live a life of love Eph 5:1 para

even when I'd rather be out of the house, taking time to play with my children instead of going to the library is the most loving choice today - not easy, loving

New Beginnings

Good Morning!

I am off to the library with the children. There are always lessons to be learned, for Mom and the children! Each day the LORD can use our every day ordinary lives to show us his love, grace and extraordinary truth. Lets look for him as we chase the toddler through the parking lot and push the 4 year old in the shopping cart and see what we can see...
