Thursday, October 9, 2008


Now that was unexpected!

We recently made move that was not supposed to be happening until December. The Lord coordinated all the details of our move and we enjoyed seeing what each new day revealed. Now we are settling into new everything! New ministry opportunities, new school - yes I quit home schooling for now - new house, new get the picture.
Our home is older, charming and in good condition. A new home would have been less work, but we enjoy the challenges of caring for an older home. I am also enjoying the new life of not being a home school mom. I've taken some heat and received some encouragement, but most of all I've heard a lot of opinions. The good thing is I know that this is where Ben needs to be and the Lord is doing amazing work in his life!
No deep thoughts for today, actually nothing deep for the last 3 weeks! Just that I had to scramble to pack and now unpack and get going. Whew! I need a Calgon moment or maybe a Godiva chocolate moment! Well I am not going to be getting either soon and have resorted to keeping a Skore bar in the fridge for moments on the go. Hey, it works for me!
My favorite thing about our move is our new family time in the Book Nook. Every night we pile in on the floor or in a chair and read together then pray for each other and for others. Its become my favorite part of the day! (Also the hardest part of the day to stay awake for! LOL!) The kids love the yard, after 3 years of apartments!
My least favorite thing... 2 year old Laura pulling her pants & diaper off in the lobby of our new bank as we were setting up our new accounts! If you can imagine it then enjoy the laugh! Nothing else that has happened really sticks out as embarrassing compared to that, yet...
OK, I am toast! And the laundry is, well, still there.

Serving up fresh laughs daily,

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