Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I am always amazed at the depth of the LORD's love for us & for others...

There is always an opportunity to love someone more. Daily I am reminded of how far I am from being a loving person and how caught up I can be in making a poor judgement instead. Rather than focusing on peoples hang-ups, I should be looking into how I can love them more in their imperfections. After all, God loves me wholly every day & I am far from having arrived. Its so easy to contemplate someone else's stuff while putting my own on the shelf as I seek to be loved. Each of us have our areas of struggle where we duke it out with the flesh, this is one of mine.
So, where do I go? How do I overcome? I go to the LORD, on my knees and HE overcomes the sin in me! I cannot fight or love on my own strength. This isn't some event, its a lasting battle and I need the LORD's endurance, power, strength and love to see victory in my own life. I encourage you to go to him. Even if you have nothing to say, he is OK with your silence! The bible says he rather likes our silence in his presence, imagine that. LOL. I know he will meet you at your needs or knees. He already knows your junk, so go and hear what he has to say about how precious you are to him and be amazed as he kindly leads you to repentance and his favor.

Be blessed with His presence,