Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Martha, Martha...

Recently I was enjoying a visit at a friends home and the subject of being so wound tight as a mom came up. We talked over the issue and its variables, but came to no really biblical answer. I knew there had to be one! So these past few days I have asked little questions of the Lord and he has given me an answer in his word. Our old friends Martha & Mary are at the center of this one, again! You see, Mary hadn't just chosen Jesus, she had put relationships over tasks. She choose to let him know he mattered and that the dinner could wait, helping her sister could wait and her prioritized to do list could wait! Now lets bring this back to you, at home 24/7 with your children. So they don't stop by for a special visit and the home is yours to keep, but your children are a blessing form the Lord! I often, way too often, find myself struggling to get it all done and still enjoy my relationships with my kids. Instead, I am busy and worried about the many things that HAVE to be done - now. What we can learn and apply from Mary is that we are to put relationships as priority. That pile of laundry will not be a lasting legacy we leave our children, nor will a spotless floor or a dusted collection of figures. No, what we are left with when someone has gone is the memories of time with them. Time to build and rebuild the Lego fire station, time to play hide & seek, time reading on the couch and teaching in a loving way.
Well, I'd like to continue, but my 4 year old Micah has just joined me and I think its best that I apply rather than further elaborate.....

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Charm. That's what I wanted in a house. Oh, and I want it to be in good living condition. Before our last storm hit we had the opportunity to do some home shopping and the Lord provided the perfect home for our family and for his purpose for us. Its charming and in great condition. There was one problem though, they needed to sell about 2 months before we were planning to buy... well we decided that the Lord had given us a go on a very early purchase and we are awaiting our close date.
Now we were buying a house early and not sure why. In a week's time we learned that my husband's previously denied request for a residency transfer was now approved and that we would need to move at the exact time we will be purchasing the home! Wow! Two changes only the Lord saw coming.
So, we now await a home and a transfer. What about purpose for the home and purpose for the time? I cannot say its all figured out yet. I trust that the Lord will reveal things to us at the right time. Too soon and we may not hold on to it, too late and we may have another direction that we've committed to go. One thing is certain, he has a purpose for us and he wants us to know what it is!
Something he has been showing me is that my best laid plans are not always the way he will lead me to go. Even in the planning of who goes where and what goes there and when that project gets done! He is my delight and I want to obey because I know that he desires my obedience much more than my sacrifice.

Are you offering something to God out of sacrifice that he has not required of you, but withholding obedience to him in another area of your life? Give it a few minutes and let the Lord decide the answer to this one.

Wind & Rain

Along with a good part of the USA we have experienced some stormy weather of late. The power outages are fun for the kids as they get to use flashlights, eat out of the ordinary meals and just enjoy an adventure. We enjoyed the vacation for my husband, he is a student so there is no paycheck either way. Through this time the Lord blessed us with family visits, good conversations and time to really put others first. We were also blessed by being served through the hospitality of family whose home we made our own for over a week.
We returned home to power, only to loose it again for another day and a half! LOL. All was fine at our little abode and our kind neighbors had cleaned our front porch for us. We are all grateful for the safety we enjoyed and that though the storm did rage on we had His peace. I hope all of you who did loose homes, cars, carports, pets and loved ones are also comforted by God's peace that surpasses all understanding!